Tuesday, September 14, 2021

August 1999 - page 5

There are things that
you can do and say
but if I use them I am
wrong and if I mention
that you use them then
I am wrong agai
and I say to myself
why do I think this is
a great marriage and
why do I think that I
need this marriage and
why do I just put up 
with this shit and not
just let her play her
game with another?

this morning the steering
wheel and gear shift were
sticky as if someone drove
the car after I did yesterday
late into the night or early
morning and that just leaves
one person which is you.

my first impulse is to find
someone else and just leave
like I have done once before
but what I really need to do
is just leave and take my 
chances on my own instead.

put up with your behavior just
six more months until the new year,
until I am better equipped  to 
handle being alone...  my first
priority is to find what is wrong
with my thinking and then move
into something that will put me in
a better position financially...
then look towards finding a
partner that will truly want to
share their live with me forever.

today I am better than yesterday
but not where I need to be...
today I am still in need of having
you around to perpetuate my misery.

do you really love me or do you
have me around so you can do
what you want and stay with me
until you can find my substitute?

you draw men to you and you
like that and want it to continue
for as long as you can...  keeping
me around as a back door in case
your searching is not productive,

there is no one man that is
right for you...  as you use
them like coupons while
searching for better deals,
knowing that your looks
and your body will get
whatever man you want...
not realizing that your
attitude and playing games
will cause these men to
always leave you prematurely.

I feel sorry for you
it may be pity... because
you can never make
a committent to anyone
othen than to yourself.

I want to be yours but
you don't want to be mine
and I feel used by you
everyday we are together.

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