Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Missing Myrtle - Day 2


An Old Mule
forward moving are the waves 
today unlike yesterday when they
encroached at an angel, army-green 
water shows no signs of 
clarity as white caps
reflect the light passing
thought an overcast humid sky...  
sweet salt air permeates the 
dulled senses from a lack 
of sleep and affords an
understanding of convenience 
lost in a strange but familiar 
land to which we have escaped...
thin gusts of wind pass through 
the journies of tourists who walk 
the sands as if on pilgrimage
to some Mecca type city...  
obesity runs rampant
among the old and young 
 an old idolatry that
has found its way to this 
century and has 
hunkered down in our 
society like an old mule.

Rainy Expectations
rainis in the forecast today
humidity preceeds the onslaught,
sinmuses inflamed by the turmoil
eyes watering uncontrollably
sacrificing mental alertness
under the umbrella sit...
protecting its owner even when
it is only a daily rental;
human hippos graze in the water
like African animals supporting
different stripes and markings,
colors and origins while
seagulls treat them all the same
defecating in fly bys as they
monitor the foreign invaders;
silence is overshadowed by the
crashing waves curling like hair
before they strike the hard sand
and disappear before retreating
from whence they came only
to maintain their endless pursuit;
rain is in the forecast today
and life ourside is doomed to 
seek shelter inside cutting short
the fun the day was to provide.

Foreign Prejudice
low tide draws in the hoards
of vacationers burned red
hoping to escape their destiny,
bathing their concerns in
salty waters of the east and
their minds determined to
divest itself of all predeterminations
that have rendered them useless
in brick habitats crowded
together like hills of fire ants;
jubilations pour out as fast as
their minds unwind and then
rewind with unbridled curiosity
reserved for the immigrants that
pick fruits and vegetables eaten
instead of cancerous red meats;
low tide draws them out of chairs
and into the dirty baptismal 
travels from the southeast asia to
avoid prosecutions and beheadings
that figuratively were to much
for them to really understand;
low tide draws them all out
sunshine draws them all in
humidity bakes their memories
alcohol dims their senses
lifeguards keep them silent
mother nature wins after all.

Beach Day
roostertails in front
building behind
walkers promenade
boogie boards glide
overcast skies move south
blue slies swarm like flies
unbrellas block the sun
but not its reflections;
parachutes pulled by boats
yellow balls guide the way
around which jet skiis move,
crop dusters pull banners
a football field of sand dries
banana boats skim the water
like bouncing flat stones,
sand crabs stay buried and
movements are halted by the sun
bronze bodies clash with white
no racism ever intended
its just the role of newbees,
the day slowly passes away
from its morning beginnings
as we do something for nothing
cleaning up our exteriors as if
there were no doubts at all.

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