Saturday, September 18, 2021

September 1999 - page 4

you take me for granted
and show more at work
than you do at home...
because they do not ask
you to give and I do.

you don't see that we are
drifting apart...  and, all
you see is what effects you
and all that needs to change.

you need the attention of males
to make you feel like a woman,
even though it is misunderstood
for sexual interest...  and yet you
are glad to know it is there in
case it is something you ever need.

everything in your life is someone
else's fault...  you have no blame...
no responsibilities...  excep to work 
and to yourself of course...  and see
nothing in your life that needs to change.

why do I remain with you
why do I need you so
or is it because I need someone
to make me feel miserable...
what is it that I see in you or you in me
for that matter...  when you
disregard me like you do.

you say that I make you feel as though
you can never please me which gives you
an excuse not to try...  again, you are
telling me I am controlling your actions,
but when I change...  you remain the same
and tell me that you believe I will reurn
to the way I was...  it is obvious to me now
after all these years that your behavior is
no based upon me but is on you and all
that you want to give or not give...  and if
you will...  you will...  and if you won't...
you won't...  it makes little difference what
I do or do not do...  it is not me...  it's you
and you bring this attitude into all your
relationships and that is why they
eventually find someone else to be with.

do I work for myself or for my wife
or to pay my expenses or for my future,
or our future...  or what?
I am alive...  doing fine or am I? 
I have sight but don't see
I have ears but don't hear
I am sensitive but don't feel
I have longing but don't desire
I have mixed feelings...  mixed emotions
and do not know which is the correct
path or the best way home...  but, is my
home with you...  or my parents...
or is it with someone else//
do I desire to improve or fail
or do I even care about the outcome?
what do I want if I don't want me?
what is you will for me?

adversity is in all our lives
it is not that which makes
us poor but how we react.

if I am to be a teacher then
let me be one or if I am to
be a bum then let me be
that as well...  but please
le me know what it is I am
to do so I can get about it.

I don't want to do this or that
because I am afraid of doing
it wrong, so I don't do anything
at all...  and when I do some
things right it feels good and
i want to do more but I always
wonder when the happiness is
going to stop coming my way.

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