Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Missing Myrtle - Day 1

pigeons walk along the sand with 
bobbing heads as they search for
crumbs getting fat off the laziness
of tourists, crapping on shoulders
as they fly by on their way home;
white skinned bodies juxtaposed
against blacks side-by-side as if
color make as much difference as
politicians claim they have achieved
unless it is spending your money...
who are you plays in both ears as
stereophonic sounds penetrate my
head, vibrating the unconscious
memories buried with my ageless
youth that stands guard over the
mental illness of remembering...
a world of thoughtless abandon
never seems to awake from its
afternoon nap as life and time
move forward on a never ending
course of action in front of me.

Monday, August 30, 2021

June 1999 - page 5

we have
each other
using it

there will be no more lies
or hidden agendas...  there
will be no more selfishness
or distrust or retaliation...
there will be no more loud
talking or saying words
just to hurt the other person...
there will be a change in
our behaviors regardless
of what we do or not do
because we love each other.

no one sees the pain inside
unless it is shown and if
that is done it is likely to
solicit sympathy which is
saying I cannot do it alone.

out of this tradgedy we all
assume the blame...  we have
grown and learned something
about ourselves...  the question
that must be asked is...  will
all of this change remain?

most of what I perceived
was wrong or incorrect
and now I must learn a
new way to see and it is
believed that when I do
this my life with others
will dramatically improve.

for three months there must
be an improvement and if
there is then we back off on
the medication to see if I
can do it all on my own.

it is just a better way to think
I do believe...  including the
relationship at home which
I thought was unretrievable.

tell me the truth 
not what I want to hear
and I will adjust
my way of thinking to
acommodate the change.

we sleep together again
something I thought
we would never do...
and, it would appear
we are a little bit better
and stronger and closer
than we were before.

you read about the
distortions to see
what I need to do
and I know you
cannot help but think
some pertain to you.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

June 1999 - page 4

I accept full responsibility 
for my atgions and will
live with the consequences
and if that means alienations
from family then so be it.

I ask others to fight
my battles and when
I do it make the 
situation worse so
now it is time to take
change of my life.

there will be time passing
for many months before
I let myself join with 
another woman in marriage.

perhaps we have all learned
a valuable lesson from this
unfortunate experience and
if we have then it was worth
the pain that we all endured.

it is obvious that you have
unconditional love inside
of you and show it to me
all the time...  it is now up
to me to trust you more.

it is time for me to get back to
where I was and put my life
back together...  rebuilding it
better than it ever was before,
finally benefitting from the past.

the sun feels good on my shoulders
it warms my new sense of pride
and self esteem...  the sun's warmth
heals the scars that have been
carried many years unattended.

it is necessary to see
the ugliness in one's
self before the positive
can rise up from ashes.

inside our minds are the influences
of our parents, incorporating theirs...
and theirs...  and theirs...  it is up to
each of us to determine those to use.

if I write each day whether it
be positive or negative, I am
still building my ability to
think and use words differently.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

June 1999 - page 3

you want me to live like this
until you can go to Knoxville,
but that only favors you and
I will not do that anymore.

my daughter wants her cake
and eat it too...  but lile does
work like that and when you
don't want my wife to attend\
and then lie about it...  you
no longer deserve me either.

your love was not strong enough to
overlook what I said and neither was
mine...  yet, my mistake was taking
youi back and not doing anything 
about getting a divorce when you
had mentioned it the first time.

I don't see a way out
this time around and
if it was not supposed
to happen it would not.

I will find a soulmate
somewhere...  sometime
and all of this will be
eventually worth it all.

it is a shame that this
had to have happened
but it is one of those
issues that now must
be resolved somehow.

I hate what has happened
but there is little I can do
except make sure it does 
not happen again with
someone else like you.

we are all to blame
and ther is very little
left to do except close
the door on this issue
and move on without.

I see clouds in the sky with
faces that are frowning at my
behavior and the way I treat
those around me...  these
faces condemn but offer no
solutions and I am left
avoiding the day and its
uncomfortable participants.

most of those who pass
my gaze are lumpy even
at a young age so what
will they be like when
the finally reach my age?

Friday, August 27, 2021

June 1999 - page 2

I like to visit my parents
but staying there longer
than the weeekend would
be tempting fate that
something negative with 
the best of intentions
would be said to me.

we have some concerns about
each other and the way we are
living, trying to get the other
person to see it our way rather
than finding time to compromise.

maybe in time you will see
that I tell the truth and I don't
always get enjoyment out
of doing so...  but by the time
you realize what I've done
it may be too late for us.

it is not easy for you to see
or accept the kind of person
I really am...  and the same
hold true for me but I keep
hoping something will
happen that gets to us both.

it is my daughter's wedding
that takes me to New York City,
into Rye and into Connecticutt
but it is my ex-eife who still 
haunts me by trying to ruin
my relationship with you.

you have bitterness inside you
as do I and together we are an
explosive combination and we
had fun together but now we
don't know how to even do that.

you would decide to eat inside
if there was a handsome man
there from which you not hide.

it was not fair what you did to me
but you are also right that I caused
part of this myself...  and I prepared
to take that responsibilty and move
on and try to find out more about
myself...  and, while I love you as
best as I can, I also realize that I 
am not treating you as if I feel that
way...  and if I am not...  then it
might be because I don't love you
and if so then I need to leave and
let you find the lvoer you need.

we are in
each other's
way it seems
and we need
to find our
own way.

I do not have too many
good memories with you
and you have said how
bad I am in comparison
with your first husband,
so why should I continue
to subject myself to this.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

June 1999 - page 1

we have a lot in common
but we withdraw our interests
when we are angry and that
cause us to push each other
farther away until we want
little to do with each other.

I have been accused of not
making decisions and that
is not true...  and I have no
problem with that at all 
but where where is a
problem is with my ability
to stand up to authority.

I am not sure if I 
want to try much
of anything with
you anymore
because of the
way we have
trouble getting
along and the way
you do not want
to compromise.

time and time again
I will call your name
even thought you are
not here and as I wish
that you were I know
where you are and
maybe not at the very
moment but I know
at some point you are
wishing that you were
with me as you silently
call out my name too.

I am seeing more clearly
but not exactly as I need 
to or want to but in time
I know all that will change.

all my time is spent complaining
about what is wrong with us,
rather than looking at it from the
standpoint of what is right...
as I focus on the negative, the
negative is what I get and as the
relationship suffers we speak less
and less and want to be with each
other less and less and want to
show our feeling less and less
which again perpeturates the
negative in our relationship.

I love you but I am too stubborn
to give in as you are...  and, we
both have hurt this marriage.

our personalities are in constant
conflict...  with neither of us
wanting to compromise and
blaming each other for all our
problems...  and if, we were to
survive all of this...  we will be
strong?  but there is a good
possibility we will not make it
at all and then what do we do?

please give me your love
and I will give you mine
but if you cannot, then...

we want to share our successes
with each other and when we
cannot then turmoil becomes
our only bed mate that night. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Novermber 1999 - page 1

May 1999 - page 5

she comes in begging
asking for someone
to take care of her
as if is is someone's
obligation to let her
live off another man's
kindness and lust.

her comments are always
the same, "can you help me out,"
spoken in a pittiful voice
hoping someone will
listen to her begging.

the more she tries to
manipulate him the
more he resolves to
pull away from her
and the more she feels
that he has betrayed her.

I see in myself the seeds
to be what someone else
wants but I also see the
need in me to be alone,
not letting anyone but
myself live like I do.

I am not better off today
that I was the day before
and will continue to be
like that until I change
what it is inside me that
makde me feel this way.

you called to let me know
that you would be later and
then you are not late at all,
but more importantly there
was no reason for you to
call at all because we area
sleeping in separate rooms.

if I raised my hand to you I
am sorry but still no harm
came to you...  I am sorry
but still my words were
never heard...  if I raised
my heart to you I am sorry
but it was done out of love.

there seems to be more heavy
people than thin these days,
and age does not seem to bre
a factor at all...  it is sad in a
way that we as a society do
not care that much about 
ourselves and being healthy.

he must show up at McD's
every friday to coffee up and
make his cell phone calls and
I guess I would think that
from his car would be better.

I wonder what will be
our fate but this is not
exactly what I should 
do... accepting that
which I do not agree.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

May 1999 - page 4

if she is serious about how she feels
then she will call a real estate agent
and put our house up for sale today.

I am not the same man that you knew before
althought I am confident you think that I am,
and I may exhibit some similar characteristics
but my focus and determintation is different,
as well as my willingness to look at and change
those internal feelings that have affected my
behavior for many years...  and if, you try to
measure what you think I will do based upon
how I have been in the past, then you will be
basing your actions on the insecurities of your
own false assumptions and will be forcing 
yourself whether you realize it or not to finally
take responsibility for your actions, rather than
finding a way to blame everything that you do
on someone else, and this alone will ease the
pain I have endured all those years living here.

even in divorce you expect me to
take care of you until you are settled
and it is the nerve of your position
that angers me because you feel you
deserve more than you are entitled.

I will not let myself be controlled by you
or pulled down to your level anymore...
my life changed ever since I have become
involved with you and I want more than
anything else to have my old life back...
and I am mentally prepared to do just that.

I have no anger towards you
just disappointment and
perhaps that should be directed
more towards me than you...
who knows but what does 
matter is being able to see that
and consequently being able
to do something about it which
is what I plan to do tomorrow.

it is weird how I use this time
to write down things that I
think or feel, realizing that no
one...  not even myself...  will
ever read them and knowing
that makes my writing anymore
like a complete waste of time.

I came here for a little quiet time
to collect my thoughts and for the
most part...  this is what I find, but,
every once in a while a bus load
of refugees with their mothers
come in and disrupt my concentration
and all my points of view are distorted.

I refuse to let myself be intimidated
by people and events outside of my
control...  yet, those words are easily
said since that is exactly what I do.

I see you in my dreams
my fantasy woman
my friend
my lover
my partner
but you are as illusive
in reality as you
are in this dream.

I weant to have what everyone
elses takes for granted and I
know that one day, it will all
come my way as long as my
patience continues and my
belief in what I am doing is
as strong as is my faith in it.

Monday, August 23, 2021

May 1999 - page 3

my heart belongs to no one
and it should...  and, I should
have my life in order but I
do not...  and, I seem to be
measuring myself against
what I feel someone else
thinks I should be doing.

I want someone to
love and trust and to care for
but it is not here.

I will be on my own soon
and so will you and I am
sure you will prefer it and
will make all attempts to
return to your birthplace;
but be aware that getting
what you want is not
always what you thought 
you wanted before then.

we spend more time keeping
apart and not talking than we
do the opposite...  and when
we are getting along we are
careful with what we say and
the realtionship seems strained
at best and there seems very
little reason to continue yet
we always continue to do so.

the old men talk about how
they had all these affairs with
married women when they
were only a few years younger.

my life is better than it was but
not as good as it could be...  and,
the only way I will get where I
need to be is with the help of my
friends and family...  and, by 
realizing I need to live life as
best as I can on my own instead.

she believes that she has caught me
at something...  but, she is not sure
what it is yet...  she is acting as if she
has and I can only imagine the ways
in which she will try to find out...
and try to repay me...  and as I begin
to endure the madness, I recall her
saying she is not vindictive...  but,
if I were to bring this to her attention,
I am sure she would say that she
was really not that way before me
or that she learned that from me...
in either case, she is avoiding me
and taking responsibility for her own
actions or lack of the same it seems.

I see that in order for me to grow,
I must rise above the need to be
with you and learn to live on my
own...  paying bills, clearning the 
house, doing laundry, shopping,
and cooking...  most of which I
am already doing but most
importantly I must learn to find
new ways to entertain myself and
that will be an interesting opportunity.

each of us must take a stand for
that in which we believe or think
that we do...  even if, we are wrong
and learn to live with the outcomes
of our thoughts and of our actions.

the air cools my senses
too much so and I begin
to think I would be better
off if I left to return to 
the warmth of the south.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

May 1999 - page 2

my life is uncertain
both my marriages
as well as my career
but my mental health
is being repaired
and my outlook
should by default
become improved.

there is a perception
that one is beeter than
the other...  but, for my
purposes either will do
so I pick the one with
the least number inside.

I see you in someone else's
future and I see myself in
no one's future at all but
for some reason that is of
not concern to me...  at
least not at the moment.

I sleep with you in
the bed purchased, thinking
I may not stay long.

everywhere I go to write
and drink coffee, I try to
sit in the corner of the room
but those who see me 
always look with what
seems to be curiosity as to
what it is I am doing here.

I feel neutral about everything
in my life right now...  maybe
that is because I know that
whatever happens there will
always be my parents to
which I will be able to return.

she calls to me to
change my appointment to a
Thursday, if I cared.

I could have enought to live
for eighteen months in the
next ten weeks but I am not
sure what I would gain if I
stopped...  but if I returned 
to work until the end of the
year I would have enough
money for the next two.

what do I want in my life
or from my life...  what do
I need or what would I like
to give?  what do I think 
that I should or should not
do...  it would seem that I
have a lot more questions
than answers...  and that
no one, no matter what
place they hold in my life
can help me here and now.

I have not found the right woman
with whom I would like to spend
the rest of my life...  although, I
feel this should bother me but it
does not and I wonder why not?

Saturday, August 21, 2021

May 1999 - page 1

you were planning on attending
my daughter's wedding but when
I told you that I may not be able
to go with you to visit your son,
you immediately said you would 
just save your vactaion and not
attend the wedding, claiming
that you do not pay people back.

you have let your intentions be
known that when Eckerd's moves
to Knoxville that you are going
and that we should sell the 
house now because it may take
that long for us to find a buyer;
and once you get back to Knoxville
there will be no reason for you
to continue in this marriage.
I see no long term future
for us...  no matter how 
I look at what goes on
between us, so my focus
should be using this year
to take care of myself
since no one else will.

I look for solutions in places
I have looked before like some
trained seal who knows how
to do that very well, but the
real test is not what has been
done before but the new
territory in which we look
to see if we can find solutions.

she walks around as if
she is pregnant...  maybe
her desire to be is greater
than her to desire to try
and keep herself healthy.

I must look for ways to
feel less dependent on
other people for eith my
shor or tong term survival.

it is funny how people tend
to gravitate towards others 
in a restaurant rather than
find a way to sit alone.

I am not the man that I used to be
yet you try to base your actions as
if I am still that man...  and, you 
will see that you guessed wrong
even though I gave you numerous
hints along the way for you to find.

help me to see the 
beauty in you that
your outward beauty
for some reason has
trapped inside you.

there are two jobs that I 
currently have...  one,
that provides income
nothing permanent
and will soon end...
and one that does not
pay very well but that
provides me with
training and that could
become more permanent;
there are two jobs paying
the bills and when they
both end, perhaps I
will have what I need.

Friday, August 20, 2021

April 1999 - page 5

if you really loved me you
would do or keep trying
everything you could think of
to get and keep me hard...
so that I would see and believe
how much you loved me...
but, when you stop right away
and make me feel there is
something wrong with me 
and I have let you down, it
leaves an impression on me
that has killed my love.

I admit my jealousies are
pushing you away and that
at the same time there is
really nothing I can do to
prevent you from having
an affair if that is what 
you want to do...  no matter
how much we claim to be
in love with each other;
yet, my fears of not being 
able to find a replacement,
leaves me pretty much in
your control until I can 
find a way to overcome it.

I feel the need to share what I
am feeling with someone...
but I know it is just an attempt
to get them to feel sorry for me,
when what it is I really need
to do is to stop this behavior from
continuimng to rule my life.

you are not the woman for me
perhaps there is no one who is
or can be what I need and maybe
that is the wrong way to look at it,
maybe what I should do is fina a
way to be the right person for 
them...  I really am that selfish.

take me away from here and
into a world where fantasy rules
and the only limitations are
self-imposed by the lack of
desire for one to be creative.

let me find out who I am please,
let me be who I really am...
let me fina a passion that burns
inside me before it's too late.

she wants out
and I don't
blame her,
even when I
knew she had
not really tried.

I lack self-confidence and
self esteem and as a result
fear that I cannot find another
woman if I ever lose you...
so, I look for ways that prevents
you from being tested because
if you ever are then I know
that you wouldn't pick me.

I am not a nice person
never have been...  but,
I have always tried for
what it is worth to be
fair in everything I do.

I need to find my own way,
I need to test myself and
find if I can survive on my
own and I must do this alone.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

April 1999 - page 4

there are ninety more minutes
before I must leave,
ninety minutes to put these words
and more on paper,
I see that these minutes don't seem
long enough for what I must do,
but for me, these ninety minutes
could actually last forever.

I don't appear too motivated,
I don't appear too happy,
I don't appear not so depressed,
I don't appear less anxious
or less worried but I do appear
a little calmer than before.

rent goes down by about as much
as my car payment goes up,
give or take, so I should be pleased
that nothing has changed, but I
don't want to break even I
really want to get ahead of it all.

doctor...  doctor... everywhere
how come you charge such high fees?
patient...  patient...  everywhere
how come you get so sick?
it doesn't matter what you have
because in the end everyone goes.

I had one dream maybe two last night
but I cannot remember either...  I had
one argument maybe two last week
but I cannot remember either...  no need
to worry my friend because what what
we have is more that what you want
to know or see...  it is spiritual and
metaphysical...  it is an awakening that
manifests itself inside our feelings and
inside what we believe to be the truth...
I had an experience maybe two yesterday
and both of them changed my life.

I have a need to be cared for and loved
and babied but it is difficult for me to
return those favors...   I have a need or
desire not to be alone but what I do
lays the foundation for that to happen.

put yourself in my shoes,
I say to them...  before you
criticize and they said glady
for what we deal with each
day is far worse than anything
affecting you...  I left them
and was curious about what
they had said all day long.

what I lack is the ability
to think that I can survive
without you...  you know
this and use it against me.

I need to start doing what
I want to do, rather than
feel like I have to do what
you want to do all the time
or else you will leave me.

I have done most anything
to keey from being alone
and resented it...  while
those around me took it as
a weakness, using that fear
to their advantage, especially
this woman I am with now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

April 1999 - page 3

we are so distant with each other
we just don't seem to care anymore,
while we may sleep close in bed,
during the day there is a sense of
careful alienation and an attitude
of indifference in everything we do.

I am sure that you are feeling
what I am feeling and are looking
around like you did before in search
of someone to take you away while
in the meantime you play the game
and have secret meetings to check
out the available men at work.

when did you start seeing other men?
it is funny in a way because had we both
put as much effort into each other as we
do into maintaining our distance and
not wanting to be controlledk then there
would have been not affairs on either side;
but, you cannot seem to commit to one
person for very long because of your
desire to search for security while at
the same time you make sure the man
with whom you are with knows that
you are not owned by him and if you
want to look around and check out
something potentially better that you
will and he must accept that fate.

my weeks are now split between two jobs
neither of them at this point in time are
really permanent...  however, one is moreso
than the other and I am fortunate that I have
these two incomes because it would appear
I am financially covered for a couple of years.

I have nothing to fear except
the fear already present inside
me...  I have nothing to do except
to master that which has been
controlling me all along my life.

light is beginning to fall all around me,
opening up the day for all of us,
the inside light swings back and forth
pushed by the breeze coming in
through the open window...  my thoughts
hide the meaning of life from me
as I attempt to accept what it is...  
longing for purpose and direction but
receiving neither...  rain gently falls
on my newly seeded lawn...  I am
pleased and looking forward to what
I will have once the straw disappears,
I am willing moreso than ever before
to give this life another try for you.

I wonder how I am feeling or
should be feeling or would be
feeling if I thought the pills
were working...  yet, there is
a change in my attitude and
behavior although I am not
sure that it may just be paying
attention to all of this now.

four months into the year
the last one of this century
as well as of this decade
and I am a little closer to
that which I seek if that
which I am doing is what
will eventually get me there.

we sleep side by side
we eat side by side
when we are home
together we work in
the yard side by side
and shop side by side,
we are not close at all
since there is a little
in us that's missing.

it would appear that I can put
down my thoughts quite easily
when they are negative and 
have trouble when they atre
positive...  how wrong and
curious my focus has been.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

April 1999 - page 2

I have uncertainty with my mental state,
I have uncertainty with my marriage,
I have uncertainty with the work I do
and in what I am learning to do...
I have uncertainty in my future retierment,
I have uncertainty with my family,
I have uncertainty with liking myself
and in finding our what I want to do,
I have uncertainty in the way I think or 
act even with what I want to say...
I have uncertainty in my religious beliefs
and in my own faith and in my purpose,
I have uncertainty in my love life and
in my greadually declining sexual desires,
I have uncertainty in all that I do or
think and yet I know I still must survive.

can you just fly me up to new york city,
can you show me the sights and sounds,
will you let me stay in your house and
mingle with all of your weathly friends,
will you provide the respite I need to
clear my head and formulate my plan,
will you help me retrieve my dignity,
will you coach and guide me into  this
brave new world where I don't belong,
can you just fly me, just me, up to
new york city and let me taste what it
feels like to be free...   is it too much to
ask for this morning as I drink my coffee
or am I just feeling sorry for myself and
trying to run away froom all my problems?

I want to use this year...  this last year
in the century to reflect upon my life
and see if I may understand what my
life has been about all these years or
not been about...  and, teach myself
to unlearn the bad or good habits that
I used to get me here...  to this place
where I am today...   I want to use
this year for that...  but I keep getting
side-tracked by the presence to whom
I am attracted and from whom I must
finally break free and acquire the 
taste to take responsibility fro my own
happiness...  when...  after all it is or was
(soon to be that is) my nature not to
think I deserved any of this...  forcing
me to always draw upon another.

my mind is a lonely place
for me these days finally
seeing that while I may\
have had talents, I never
developed any of them,
consequently finding
myself beyond middle age
with a bunch of dreams
and mediocre abilities.

how do I find myself
how do I search for that
which never was?
how do I begin to imagine
the career to pursue
at this age?
how do I compete with
males and females
half my age and who
are much more gifted
that I ever was and
who decided not to 
waste it like I did?

I sleep alone
I think alone
I dream alone
I exercise alone
I take showers alone
I have sex alone
I am depressed alone
I am never happy
mostly sad...
always wishing...
for what I think I want
to come to me
rather than 
making it happen,
I alone
control my life
my destiny...
I alone
pilot the ship
in which
I am aboard,
there is no one to
help me
not even god
soul searching is
an individual thing
to do which
is why I am
always alone.

I cannot by hook or crook
find out what it is I want
out of life and where it is
these next few years I am
going...  and, who it is that
will accompany me or
not aaccompany there...
and if...  this journey I
must take must also be
accomplished on my own.

everything I try to earn
falls short of my grasp
and yet, I keep trying,
oftentimes more strenuously
than before until my outlook
takes on its bitter attitude
making everything worse.

she sleeps in another bed soundly
as she conveys immunity to my
apprehensions and fears that come
from not being the one with whom
before she had first fallen in love.

If she wants to go I wish she would
because I believe that would be easier
for us than if she remains close by,
teasing and tormenting just to make
sure that I am really missing her.

Monday, August 16, 2021

April 1999 - page 1

unhappiness follows me and those around me
it is not always my fault but other say it is,
we are left to ourselves... alone, looking for
anything to occupy our time and keep us
from seeing each other and when we do come
home, it is silence and alienation, ever increasing
the need to find ways to stay away more...
there is a fear in me that no way out exists and
we will remain in this lifestyle until forever.

this is a day for jokes
for some reason, and
we know it all too well
but for some it is a time
to let a friend know
that you are open to
his advances and to
begin a new affair soon.

your anger towards me
grows each day because
you look for ways to satisgy
and please yourself...
rather than seek out ways
to draw closer to your mate
through another compromise.

your actions show me you care
more about yourself that you
carre about us...  even when our
relationship is good...  all this
does is reinforce what I already
thought and that is you never
did care too much about me,
I was just another escape.

I don't know if you have another
lover or not...  or if you are baiting
the trap for soemone you have in mind,
but... what I do know is that while
your feeling are decresasing for me
because of what I have done or said,
mine too are decreasing for you as
a result of all this constant retaliation.
each night we sleep in separate beds
and each day we go our separate ways
and each nigh when we return we keep
our thoughts and feeling away from
each other but remain in this state of
marriage because we have to while
we look for ways to be removed.

I wish I could fina a mate that
would be perfect for me as I
would be perfect for her...
with neither of us trying to
control the other person because
their actions have made us
feel uncomfortable or even
worse made us feel insecure.

there is no point to plan
a future for you and I at
this point-in-time...  I
must think only of myself
and what I want to do inside,
it is a pity that our conflicting
personalities have caused
this situation to occur.

I should not tell you what to do
because I don't like it and you
should not do the same to me,
so, we both are quilty of that
if either of us could admit it;
what we really should do is
let the other person do whatever
it is that they want to do while
keeping our control to ourselves,
and then...  if we don't like
what the other one does then
we should just get up and leavc.

these days have been
rough on both of us,
they seem to be getting
worse instead of better;
if there is progress, it can
quickly relapse into 
how it was all before...
but the sad thing about
it all is that my feelings
are numb and I just don't
seem to care anymore.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

March 1999 - page 5

you say you want to
make love to me but
you just lay there
while I caress you,
offering nothing in return
not even body movement
to show my stimulation;
then after a while when
you think I have had enouth
your turn to fact me
expecting me to be hard
and when I am not
you get made and say I am
doing it all on purpose.

I look at the life I have
and realize that we are
much alike in a negative
way to ever get along
in a positive way and
se see in each other
what we don't like
in ourselves and this is
no way to have a union.

it is time for me
to take control of
my life and do with it
what I will, rather
than continue to live
in an environment
that offers me no
compassion or
support in anything
that I choose to do.

these mornings when I 
arrive late, the darkness
has gone and there is
more movement than I
would care to see now.

a present for my daughter's
wedding is not asn easy
thisg for me to realizew as
I want it to be something
that is special to bothe of us.

I am witness to my
own futile existence
and I see no way to
correct the situation at
this moment in time.

a peculiar feeling
cascades over this
house...  an uneasiness,
a warning of bad times to come...
there is a peculiar sense
of foreboding here
that is constantly endured,
and all that passes is the
beginning of th/e end.

I am a traveler
with no destination
and no previous location
just a lonely man
who is searching for 
what is within.

yesterday her attitude towards
me changed and today she takes
her rings off so as not to damage them,
in her purse for later...  but she
wanted me to have them so I
would not think that anything
was wrong and maybe that is
why her attitude changed.

I am in this alone and it does
not matter how many pills I
take or how many therapy
sessions I have...  the fact
remains that I am in this alone
and I don't believe that my
wife will ever be trusted again.