Friday, August 20, 2021

April 1999 - page 5

if you really loved me you
would do or keep trying
everything you could think of
to get and keep me hard...
so that I would see and believe
how much you loved me...
but, when you stop right away
and make me feel there is
something wrong with me 
and I have let you down, it
leaves an impression on me
that has killed my love.

I admit my jealousies are
pushing you away and that
at the same time there is
really nothing I can do to
prevent you from having
an affair if that is what 
you want to do...  no matter
how much we claim to be
in love with each other;
yet, my fears of not being 
able to find a replacement,
leaves me pretty much in
your control until I can 
find a way to overcome it.

I feel the need to share what I
am feeling with someone...
but I know it is just an attempt
to get them to feel sorry for me,
when what it is I really need
to do is to stop this behavior from
continuimng to rule my life.

you are not the woman for me
perhaps there is no one who is
or can be what I need and maybe
that is the wrong way to look at it,
maybe what I should do is fina a
way to be the right person for 
them...  I really am that selfish.

take me away from here and
into a world where fantasy rules
and the only limitations are
self-imposed by the lack of
desire for one to be creative.

let me find out who I am please,
let me be who I really am...
let me fina a passion that burns
inside me before it's too late.

she wants out
and I don't
blame her,
even when I
knew she had
not really tried.

I lack self-confidence and
self esteem and as a result
fear that I cannot find another
woman if I ever lose you...
so, I look for ways that prevents
you from being tested because
if you ever are then I know
that you wouldn't pick me.

I am not a nice person
never have been...  but,
I have always tried for
what it is worth to be
fair in everything I do.

I need to find my own way,
I need to test myself and
find if I can survive on my
own and I must do this alone.

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