Saturday, August 14, 2021

March 1999 - page 4

it is funny in a way how
you back away when I
have done something
you don't like...  but, do
not realize the punishment
you bestow upom me is 
more severe than what I
did and results in me
pulling away from you.

my life is in a limbo situation
these last few days with me
not knowing where I am going
but financially have enough
saved for me to survive you.

if you were to come my way
what would you want tus to do
and how would you want us to do it
and when would you want us to do it
and what questions would you have
of me if everything else checked
out to your satisfaction...  there
would be little that we could do
to prevent the eventuality of it all.

I soar on the shoulders of the wind
high above the hills surrounding
the valley in which I live...  I soar
free and easy, away from the violence
that scars thoughts and feelings of
how our lives should really be;
I soar in between the clouds,
following the currents as do the
birds and search for a soft place
to land in case my flight is disturbed.

if and when I stand up for what I believe,
there is always someone there who prevents
this free expression who wants to control
because they can...  
breaking down my
will and my compassion 
for my fellow man.

this is a strange place in which I find
myself this saturday morning, filled
with people and families and couples
who want to share their time off;
this is a strange place for me because
I am alone and fell that I don't belong
and that everyone is looking at me
to see what the hell I'm doing here.

I asm far from my home
this place I'm in today,
 as I wonder if I will ever
return to where I came from,
not really remembering what
it was like or why I left;
I am too far to drive
too far to walk
too far to call
but not too far to fly
if flying was the way to go;
my home is out of sight
and my mind most
of the time...   but, once
in a while I seem so alone.

I wonmder if I would like to be
someone else...  I wonder how
my life would have changed;
I wonder if I have live many
lives before and have many
more lives  to go...  I wonder
why and then let it all go.

we live in different worlds
but share this life...
there is no trust,
no compassion
no understanding...
there is only fear and doubt
and questions with all
the asnwers unresolved;
we have different values
ethics and integrity and we
know how to play the game
so that others will never see;
we cling to our insecurities
like a baby to its blanket
or a husband to his wife
but all we have in common is
we don't agree to disagree.

I feel a little uneasy
about this marriage
and where it might
be going these days;
I feel a little uncomofortable
with how we feebly try
to get along while at the
same time starting arguments.

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