Monday, August 2, 2021

January 1999 - page 2

the outomes of our lives
can be what we choose
or they can be what others
chose for us or they can be
prt of this great universe.

I am angry with
what you do but
I have no hate
as I did before,
there is more of an
acceptance now
than there is blame
or feeling insecure
because of outcomes;
I see that my energy
should not be directed
to what has happened
but to what will happen
for us tomorrow or 
the next day since
what is done is done
and there is no other
way for us to be now.

I can feel a transition
moving through my mind
that has not been there before,
as best as I can recall...
it is a sense of calm and
reassurance that my life
has not ended because
you chose not to deal
with me or my free will,
an ability to do and go
where we want to go,
be who we want to be,
and when we do, we are
provided for as always
if we just let it all be.

one thing is for sure
my life is anything
but simple and it is
now up to me to find
the understanding and
acceptance withing me
to live my life as it was
intended all along to
unfold...  and be flexible
when it does not go
according to any plan.

am I inspired to write
because God has given me
this gift or do I write
as therapy just so I can
get throught my days...
does it really matter why
because I will continue
to write until I die or
until the thoughts refuse
to materialize within me.

do we celebrate the pain of life
because without the pain
we are not alive...  as some might
say we are...  or, is this pain
nothing more than how we perceive
and both side are there waiting 
to be found and they are...  both
will be celebrated as intended.

I am at peace with the night
but not the day and yet I need
my sleep...  so I awake early
and make love to the darkness
since she is my silent lover and
will always be there for me,
without judgement...
whenver I need her and the
cycle of her presence shortens
with age...  the passion that
is felt between us lessens...
I am at peace with the night
but not the day and I wonder
why she teases me so and
never seems to give in to me.

everytime I open my eyes
I see a Bob Ross painting
in front of me and wish I
had the love of life that
he always demonstrates.

if nature is so full of beauty and
if life has so many wonderful
events for us to experience then
why do I deny myself the right
to these opportunities...  if for me
they can only be experienced
by me if I am only and truly alone.

I feel
I think
I hate
I love
I cry
but I cannot
share any of
this with anyone
because I
can only
experience these
feelings when
I am with

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