Monday, August 16, 2021

April 1999 - page 1

unhappiness follows me and those around me
it is not always my fault but other say it is,
we are left to ourselves... alone, looking for
anything to occupy our time and keep us
from seeing each other and when we do come
home, it is silence and alienation, ever increasing
the need to find ways to stay away more...
there is a fear in me that no way out exists and
we will remain in this lifestyle until forever.

this is a day for jokes
for some reason, and
we know it all too well
but for some it is a time
to let a friend know
that you are open to
his advances and to
begin a new affair soon.

your anger towards me
grows each day because
you look for ways to satisgy
and please yourself...
rather than seek out ways
to draw closer to your mate
through another compromise.

your actions show me you care
more about yourself that you
carre about us...  even when our
relationship is good...  all this
does is reinforce what I already
thought and that is you never
did care too much about me,
I was just another escape.

I don't know if you have another
lover or not...  or if you are baiting
the trap for soemone you have in mind,
but... what I do know is that while
your feeling are decresasing for me
because of what I have done or said,
mine too are decreasing for you as
a result of all this constant retaliation.
each night we sleep in separate beds
and each day we go our separate ways
and each nigh when we return we keep
our thoughts and feeling away from
each other but remain in this state of
marriage because we have to while
we look for ways to be removed.

I wish I could fina a mate that
would be perfect for me as I
would be perfect for her...
with neither of us trying to
control the other person because
their actions have made us
feel uncomfortable or even
worse made us feel insecure.

there is no point to plan
a future for you and I at
this point-in-time...  I
must think only of myself
and what I want to do inside,
it is a pity that our conflicting
personalities have caused
this situation to occur.

I should not tell you what to do
because I don't like it and you
should not do the same to me,
so, we both are quilty of that
if either of us could admit it;
what we really should do is
let the other person do whatever
it is that they want to do while
keeping our control to ourselves,
and then...  if we don't like
what the other one does then
we should just get up and leavc.

these days have been
rough on both of us,
they seem to be getting
worse instead of better;
if there is progress, it can
quickly relapse into 
how it was all before...
but the sad thing about
it all is that my feelings
are numb and I just don't
seem to care anymore.

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