Saturday, August 21, 2021

May 1999 - page 1

you were planning on attending
my daughter's wedding but when
I told you that I may not be able
to go with you to visit your son,
you immediately said you would 
just save your vactaion and not
attend the wedding, claiming
that you do not pay people back.

you have let your intentions be
known that when Eckerd's moves
to Knoxville that you are going
and that we should sell the 
house now because it may take
that long for us to find a buyer;
and once you get back to Knoxville
there will be no reason for you
to continue in this marriage.
I see no long term future
for us...  no matter how 
I look at what goes on
between us, so my focus
should be using this year
to take care of myself
since no one else will.

I look for solutions in places
I have looked before like some
trained seal who knows how
to do that very well, but the
real test is not what has been
done before but the new
territory in which we look
to see if we can find solutions.

she walks around as if
she is pregnant...  maybe
her desire to be is greater
than her to desire to try
and keep herself healthy.

I must look for ways to
feel less dependent on
other people for eith my
shor or tong term survival.

it is funny how people tend
to gravitate towards others 
in a restaurant rather than
find a way to sit alone.

I am not the man that I used to be
yet you try to base your actions as
if I am still that man...  and, you 
will see that you guessed wrong
even though I gave you numerous
hints along the way for you to find.

help me to see the 
beauty in you that
your outward beauty
for some reason has
trapped inside you.

there are two jobs that I 
currently have...  one,
that provides income
nothing permanent
and will soon end...
and one that does not
pay very well but that
provides me with
training and that could
become more permanent;
there are two jobs paying
the bills and when they
both end, perhaps I
will have what I need.

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