Friday, August 27, 2021

June 1999 - page 2

I like to visit my parents
but staying there longer
than the weeekend would
be tempting fate that
something negative with 
the best of intentions
would be said to me.

we have some concerns about
each other and the way we are
living, trying to get the other
person to see it our way rather
than finding time to compromise.

maybe in time you will see
that I tell the truth and I don't
always get enjoyment out
of doing so...  but by the time
you realize what I've done
it may be too late for us.

it is not easy for you to see
or accept the kind of person
I really am...  and the same
hold true for me but I keep
hoping something will
happen that gets to us both.

it is my daughter's wedding
that takes me to New York City,
into Rye and into Connecticutt
but it is my ex-eife who still 
haunts me by trying to ruin
my relationship with you.

you have bitterness inside you
as do I and together we are an
explosive combination and we
had fun together but now we
don't know how to even do that.

you would decide to eat inside
if there was a handsome man
there from which you not hide.

it was not fair what you did to me
but you are also right that I caused
part of this myself...  and I prepared
to take that responsibilty and move
on and try to find out more about
myself...  and, while I love you as
best as I can, I also realize that I 
am not treating you as if I feel that
way...  and if I am not...  then it
might be because I don't love you
and if so then I need to leave and
let you find the lvoer you need.

we are in
each other's
way it seems
and we need
to find our
own way.

I do not have too many
good memories with you
and you have said how
bad I am in comparison
with your first husband,
so why should I continue
to subject myself to this.

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