Monday, August 30, 2021

June 1999 - page 5

we have
each other
using it

there will be no more lies
or hidden agendas...  there
will be no more selfishness
or distrust or retaliation...
there will be no more loud
talking or saying words
just to hurt the other person...
there will be a change in
our behaviors regardless
of what we do or not do
because we love each other.

no one sees the pain inside
unless it is shown and if
that is done it is likely to
solicit sympathy which is
saying I cannot do it alone.

out of this tradgedy we all
assume the blame...  we have
grown and learned something
about ourselves...  the question
that must be asked is...  will
all of this change remain?

most of what I perceived
was wrong or incorrect
and now I must learn a
new way to see and it is
believed that when I do
this my life with others
will dramatically improve.

for three months there must
be an improvement and if
there is then we back off on
the medication to see if I
can do it all on my own.

it is just a better way to think
I do believe...  including the
relationship at home which
I thought was unretrievable.

tell me the truth 
not what I want to hear
and I will adjust
my way of thinking to
acommodate the change.

we sleep together again
something I thought
we would never do...
and, it would appear
we are a little bit better
and stronger and closer
than we were before.

you read about the
distortions to see
what I need to do
and I know you
cannot help but think
some pertain to you.

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