Thursday, August 26, 2021

June 1999 - page 1

we have a lot in common
but we withdraw our interests
when we are angry and that
cause us to push each other
farther away until we want
little to do with each other.

I have been accused of not
making decisions and that
is not true...  and I have no
problem with that at all 
but where where is a
problem is with my ability
to stand up to authority.

I am not sure if I 
want to try much
of anything with
you anymore
because of the
way we have
trouble getting
along and the way
you do not want
to compromise.

time and time again
I will call your name
even thought you are
not here and as I wish
that you were I know
where you are and
maybe not at the very
moment but I know
at some point you are
wishing that you were
with me as you silently
call out my name too.

I am seeing more clearly
but not exactly as I need 
to or want to but in time
I know all that will change.

all my time is spent complaining
about what is wrong with us,
rather than looking at it from the
standpoint of what is right...
as I focus on the negative, the
negative is what I get and as the
relationship suffers we speak less
and less and want to be with each
other less and less and want to
show our feeling less and less
which again perpeturates the
negative in our relationship.

I love you but I am too stubborn
to give in as you are...  and, we
both have hurt this marriage.

our personalities are in constant
conflict...  with neither of us
wanting to compromise and
blaming each other for all our
problems...  and if, we were to
survive all of this...  we will be
strong?  but there is a good
possibility we will not make it
at all and then what do we do?

please give me your love
and I will give you mine
but if you cannot, then...

we want to share our successes
with each other and when we
cannot then turmoil becomes
our only bed mate that night. 

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